It Is What It Is | Elisa |

It Is What It Is

Testo It Is What It Is

Then comes the sun...
then comes the sun...

I‘m packing my stuff
crying ‘cause he‘s gone
I‘m not gonna see any of you there
I‘m gonna go so far
I have to be faster
maybe I‘ll get there before the pain
won‘t leave anything
won‘t take anything
only a story to tell one day

It can‘t be too hard
I keep telling myself
while the ground‘s missing
what‘s coming after?

It is what it is
I just need to see you
‘n hold you
‘n cry with you
‘n be with you

I was afraid of too many things
but dying to prove I was strong enough
to make my own way
to make it myself
to keep my head up
be the one who helps
but it‘s got me crying
it‘s got me crawling
I‘m so grateful ‘cause it‘s got me knowing
it beats with my heart
the love that we made
shines through my eyes
it‘s out of the maze

Then comes the sun...

It is what it is
I just need to see you
‘n hold you
‘n cry with you
‘n be with you

Summer gone
air getting colder
I wished that I was one of those leaves
carried by wind naturally dying
never drank water
never touched fire
but it got me thinking
it got me going
can‘t be a leaf because I am woman... I am woman

It is what it is
I just need to see you
‘n hold you
‘n cry with you
‘n be with you

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